Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just an ordinary day... or is it?

I have recently come to realize that what our family considers ordinary is anything but that for other families. Most families start their Sundays going to church. We were once this ordinary family, until we were told that Noah could not attend Sunday school even though I was in there helping to teach the preschool class. I was actually very involved at one time. Feeling completely hurt and abandoned by the church we stopped going. Sadly it has been around 10 yrs since we have felt that we could belong to a church. It's just one more place to go to have people judge you, your children and your family because your child is different. And trust me we get enough judging!! So no church for us on this Sunday morning; instead we decided to take advantage of the free movie playing at the local theater. Now most families would ordinarily take the whole family... not us! Niles cannot sit through an entire movie without disturbing other people. Noah does not like the loud speakers although he can tolerate it if it is a movie he really wants to see. So what is normal for us is for one of us to stay home and one of us to go and let the kids decide what they want to do. So today it was James who stayed home with Noah and Niles and I went to the movie with Nathan, Natalie and Nicole. During the movie I only had to rub Nicole's legs twice. Due to her EDS she gets muscle spasms in her legs when she sits for long times. It is hard for her to sit still but is manages with massages from mommy or daddy. Again this is normal for us, it is normal for me to carry lotion in my purse for impromptu leg rubs. So after the movie we go home and make frozen pizza for lunch. Oooops! I accidentally bought all pepperoni and sausage; Noah does not like the texture or taste of sausage. We normally buy plain pepperoni for him but somehow I misread the labels. He settles for peanut butter and jelly sandwich. :( Pepperoni pizza is his favorite food. I know lots of families could have avoided this situation by picking the sausage off or just insisting they eat what is put in front of them. Noah's dislike of certain textures is normal to us, we keep extra things on hand so he doesn't go hungry when the rest of us eat something he can't handle. After lunch we decide to go shopping for some things we need. First stop is K-Mart, they have bedding sets on sale and well, we ALL need new bedding sets. We walk in and put Niles in a cart and he loses it, he is overstimulated. Thinking on our toes, James runs to the checkout to get a sucker for him. If we are going to get any shopping done he needs something to redirect his attention. The sucker does the trick! We all pick out new bedding sets, except Nicole. We decided Nicole did not need one since her bed is rarely used anyway. WHAT!!!??!! you say. Yes Nicole sleeps in bed with mommy. What ordinary family bedshares with their 5 yr old??? Well, a family whose 5 yr old wakes up many times throughout the night in pain crying and needing her joints squeezed and or massaged. Just rolling over in bed can throw a joint out of place. So we told Nicole we would find something else for her. What does she pick? .... anyone who knows Nicole can guess what she wanted... a HIPPO! Well K Mart officially had no hippos. I remembered seeing a hippo storage cube in the Target ad that was super cute, so we head off to Target to look for it, and other stuff too.

1 comment:

  1. I somehow missed seeing this post until now!
    I can totally relate with your feelings...I also stopped going to church due to feeling judged over Calebs behavior...It's not fun and it's not fair.
    But at least we have others who understand and we don't see having special kids as a 'burden' just more of a....Challenge ;)
