Thursday, March 8, 2012

we actually "belong" at playgroup

One of the parts of Niles' therapy is going to a weekly playgroup. Today was our first time going, and I have to admit I was very uneasy about the idea of having him go to a structured playtime where he would have to follow directions. After being made to feel unwelcome at story time with Niles and the countless activities throughout Noah's toddler years, there is nothing worse than the feeling of anxiety about having to take Niles anywhere where he will have expectations to follow directions, participate and even behave. I built up the courage to get ready and go... I had no idea what to expect. I had promised his occupational therapist that we would be there so she could observe him, so there was no backing out. Turns out all the other kids there were a lot like Niles and the ladies who run playgroup have every trick in the book to capture the kids attention. We go in and are directed to the carpet, thinking to my self "there is NO way he is going to sit on the carpet for more than 30 seconds" I decided we will try it. Turns out they have several different "chairs" and things to sit on. Plus they have fiddle toys! Fiddle toys! What a great idea! This ball kept Niles' attention while we did a welcome song. Then the singing was done and that transition was hard he got up and I was mortified. I was just praying that he would miraculously sit down. Then I noticed there were several kids up and wandering at this point, some were even spinning like Niles. My anxiety dropped instantly. The teachers went over the activities that were available today. They get to do what they want at their own pace... that's not so bad. Niles played in the corner with a bead toy, wishing he would interact more I noticed that the only kids even close to interacting were the ones excited over the slide. Now being excited over a slide is a different kind of excited than some people are used to, but it was okay, the moms all understood! We were understood, we were accepted and we can't wait to go back!!

1 comment:

  1. That's great!
    I often feel that same anxiety and it's so hard to find a place where you are accepted.
    I can see why you are excited-this is huge!
