Monday, March 19, 2012


In the dictionary, mama is defined as baby talk for mom. What about when it takes 28 months to hear that word? Is it toddler talk?? With each child, mommies cannot wait to hear their children call them by name. "Babies are born to say mama" This usually happens around 6 months old. This mama has been waiting 28 loooong months to hear Niles call me mama. Around 6 months old I did what every other mommy does I held him in my lap saying "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" (all mommies do that don't they?) We were still doing that at a year, by 18 months I told myself he would say it when he was ready. Some boys are late talkers....... right???? By two I knew something just wasn't right. That is when I got Early On involved. After a month of working with his therapists, it happened!!! What I had been waiting all these looong months for, what I had almost given up on. He said "mama" and with purpose!!! It was music to my ears! It made my eyes tear up! It was a taste of victory!!


  1. Yay! I know how precious it is and how much you long for those words to come out!
    Caleb said it around 10 months but then never did again until he was about 2 1/2.
    I'm glad there's been some good progress and how special!
