Monday, March 19, 2012

Noah the entomologist

With the unseasonably warm weather we have had lately has come the early arrival of BUGS. Noah has had some odd fascination with bugs for some time now. He becomes entranced and obsessed with them. He is content sitting and watching an ant colony busy at work. He will observe the flies flying around and the worms slithering through the mud. Just don't let any of those bugs get ON him! That sends him into a tizzy, although it can be quite humorous watching a 14 year old boy freak out over a bug. I think it is the idea of a bug actually touching him that gets him going. Now along with his bug fascination comes some pretty interesting things out of his mouth. While the neighbor is outside working on something, "hey mom, I think we might have a cockroach problem"... ummm no Noah those are just Japanese Beetles. We had a small fruit fly in the kitchen the other day, so when Noah noticed a hole in the screen, "hey mom, now I know where our bug problem is coming from" I didn't know we had a bug "problem" but then I realized that they may not be a problem for me, but they are for Noah. And that is okay even though the way he expresses it can be a bit embarrassing. I have never seen someone so horrified, but at the same time intrigued by something.

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